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We are a not-for-profit organisation, designed to help people make sentencing mitigation as effective and complete as possible and aim for reductions in the severity of sentences wherever possible.

1.01 million sentences given in 2022*

66% of cases plead guilty in the UK 2020*

Average length of custody now 24 months*

Good mitigation improved 86% of sentencing**

Poor mitigation can have a negative effect**

Legal aid solicitors are not paid for mitigation

* From the Ministry of Justice Criminal Justice Report 2022 (published Feb 2023)

** From  Mitigation:  The role of personal factors in sentencing -J Jacobsen, M Hough, 2011

The justice system in the UK processes many people every year with over 1 million sentences given and the average length of custodial sentences up to 24.98 months. Given that this was 17 months in 2012, there has been a steady increase in the severity of sentencing in the UK 
So good mitigation plays a vital part in any sentencing decision but it is often ignored or delivered as an afterthought, when careful consideration, good planning and an effective mitigation strategy could make all the difference.


Call us to discuss how we could help you help yourself to give you the best shot at reducing your sentence

Mitigation mɪt.ɪˈɡeɪ.ʃən
"something that causes judgement of a crime to be less serious, or to make a punishment less severe"

Put simply, good mitigation gives anyone who is about to be sentenced a significantly higher chance of a lesser sentence or to escape prison entirely.  But, to be clear, mitigation is the presentation of facts in the best way possible, to help the judge make the final decision.  It is not made up information or obscure promises, as these are not allowed in court.


Good mitigation is properly considered and presented information that will help the judge make a positive decision about your case and make them understand your side of the story.

​ is a not for profit organisation set up to help people review, research and present the best possible mitigation for the best outcome.  We charge significantly less than a solicitor or a private investigator, and there is the possibility of legal aid support via your solicitor.


Mitigation Options


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Clearly, without good mitigation, the whole sentencing becomes a lottery, one where the losing ticket could mean a long stretch in prison.  Is it worth taking the gamble?  Call us to discuss how we can help

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